PLAN B (Freedom From Creditors) is a credit and debt management firm that specializes in asset protection and bankruptcy alternatives.
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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Asset Guard

The Asset Guard™


The Asset Guard™ is a critical piece to not only more successful negotiations but to asset protection and lawsuit protection and prevention.  The easiest way to demonstrate its effectiveness is by comparison.  Let's use an example of a similar tool know as a home mortgage.  If someone were to sue you and find out you have a home that is paid off, free and clear, especially an investment property, this asset would be fair game for the suit and would be at risk.  If the home is mortgaged to the hilt, the appeal is largely lost as someone else already has first position.  The equity is the only thing available to consider as an asset. Although in this case, there is no equity, therefore no asset.  If a suit is won and the home included, a new lien would be placed on the home behind the other liens which in many cases is entirely noncollectable as the home equity is claimed in its entirety by the first mortgage.  The odds of someone even bothering for this position are decreased greatly as it is costly and worthless. Now, even if they do obtain a lien on your home, with the first and others before it, it may be deemed noncollectable and therefore worthless.  

Back to the Asset Guard... In our program, you will enter into a service contract with a related company that will assist you in rebuilding credit during and upon completion of the process.  This service is included in the program.  Due to the "high risk" you may pose as your credit decreases, a lien will be placed on your personal name in the form of a UCC filing with the state of personal residence.  This will encompass all assets, including bank accounts and will remain until fulfillment of the contractual obligations.  You will control this as you have the claim to contract fulfillment in your possession from the time we file the UCC.  The contract is considered fulfilled when payment is received for services provided which is always maintained current, allowing for a "rolling" contract that can be terminated and considered complete at any time.  You will have complete control over this, even if something were to happen to our companies.  

Negotiation Strength

The Asset Guard, when in place, will act as a "first position" on any assets left free and clear as well as first in line behind any secured liens already in place (such as your mortgage; these will have first right as they were in place first and are directly secured).  This requires unsecured creditors to fall behind the Guard in the event they pursue a law suit and win a judgment (which is a risk even in debt settlement and other options). It is also public record such that when a creditor is researching your name, they will likely find the Asset Guard and be forced to consider it in their decisions to pursue legal actions or submit to more favorable negotiations.  This greatly decreases the likelihood of lawsuit while giving protection even if a judgment is reached, a protection no other options offer.  

With the Asset Guard in place, you put yourself in a position to control the best negotiation tactic available to you, which is TIME.  With the Asset Guard in place you can better control the time frame of payment on the account. The longer amount of time that has passed the less the debt is worth to the creditor.  If you can push your creditors off for a year the debt will become almost worthless to a creditor.
What does this have to do with the Asset Guard? Only when the debt is worth pennies on the dollar to the creditor will the debtor have the chance to settled for pennies on the dollar.  After all the accounts have been negotiated and settled on the debtors terms should a debtor consider lifting the Asset Guard.

Asset protection is another important function of the Asset Guard.  When in place, creditors cannot consider pursuing recourse through acquisition of "security" (liening property, wage garnishment) without paying off the Asset Guard which is substantial enough to not be considered worthwhile.  Even if paid off, this would be an even more favorable outcome.  Your assets or income can no longer be considered, requiring the creditor to focus on the account itself versus pursuing assets that were never considered part of the agreement.  This allows you to maintain valuable assets to continue caring for your family and personal self and gives you the ability to continue life while working through the financial issues as well as hit the ground running when completed.       

Some Important Details

For the Asset Guard to be valid as protection, it must be entered into with unrelated 3rd parties, i.e. not family, friends, business partners, etc.  A binding contractual obligation must be entered into with a proper security agreement outlining where valid consideration is offered and accepted between each party.  Our program offers the related service agreement required for the Asset Guard protection and with our understanding of contract law and state UCC regulations, we are able to properly enact this protection and allow you to rest assure that you are taking control of your financial situation with an experienced team of professional consultants.  Learn more and continue reading ...

Find out more about the Asset Guard process and exactly what you have to do and how it works to make you Judgement Proof.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us @ 1-800-871-6817.

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